I like that, you like that, so let’s be crazy
D#+D#+D#+, D#+D#+D#+, D#+D#+D#+ D#+C#+C#+
The contact, impact, I want that daily
D#+D#+D#+, D#+D#+D#+, D#+D#+D#+ D#+C#+C#+
Our breath getting deeper, deeper, lately
F+F+D#+C#+ D#+C+C+, D#+C+C+, D#+C#+C#+
I like that, baby
D#+D#+D#+, C#+BbBb
‘Cause I can’t get enough
BbD#+D#+C+C#+ C+Bb
Yeah, I can’t get enough
BbD#+D#+C+C#+ C+Bb
Yeah, I can’t get enough of your love
BbD#+D#+C+C#+ Bb+G#+F#+F+
Give me some more, I love it
G#+F#+F+D#+, D#+F+C#+C#+
I can’t get enough, yeah
C+D#+C+C#+Bb, Bb
‘Cause I can’t get enough
BbBb BbD#+C+C#+Bb
song is good